Announcing the first artists for GAS 2018!

We are finally ready to announce the first batch of confirmed artists for the 2018 edition of Göteborg Art Sounds that takes place September 28th to October 6th! New for this edition is that the program for the 2018 festival has been designed in collaboration with our four international curators Anna Berit Asp Christensen, SPOR Festival, Denmark, Joost Fonteyne, artistic director of Wilde Westen, Belgium, Lauren Pratt from Redcat, Los Angeles, USA and Peter Burton, artistic director, Suoni Per Il Popolo, Montreal, Canada.

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About Göteborg Art Sounds 2018

Today we can see that the distance between people are growing. But at the same time, as a consequence of new technical possibilities, the world is also growing smaller every day. Paradoxically we see how countries and their leaders chose to close their borders and build walls, rather than opening up. And this is happening right now, when the need for dialogue has never been more urgent.

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