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Olivier Messiaen — Livre du Saint Sacrement [SE]

October 13 @ 15:00 - 17:00

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Olivier Messiaen — Livre du Saint Sacrement [SE]

October 13 @ 15:00 - 17:00

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Come inside the warm Concert Hall and be surrounded by the divine sounds of the mighty organ. Hans-Ola Ericsson plays music by Olivier Messiaen in this relaxed concert.

Hear the masterpiece that was ultimately French composer Olivier Messiaen’s last major composition. The wide-ranging Livre du Saint-Sacrement is designed according to Catholic mysticism and a meditation on the mysteries of the Eucharist. This concert is an opportunity to find a sense of peace and truly allow the music to surround you.

Olivier Messiaen is among the most important composers of twentieth-century classical music. He celebrated love and the light aspects of Christianity. His unique style comes from a powerful faith in God as well as a fascination with birdsong, which is often evident in his music. Balinese rhythms were another source of inspiration.

Hans-Ola Ericsson is an organist with international credentials. He recorded the collected organ works of Olivier Messiaen in close collaboration with the composer himself before Messiaen passed away in 1992.

I. Adoro te (I adore Thee, O hidden Deity!/Jag tillber dig)

II. La Source de Vie (The Source of Life/Livets källa)

III. Le Dieu caché (The hidden God/Den fördolde Guden)

IV. Acte de Foi (Act of Faith/En akt av tro)

V. Puer natus est nobis (A child is born/Ett barn är oss fött)

VI. La manne et le Pain de Vie (The Manna and the Bread of Life/Mannat och livets bröd)

VII. Les ressuscités et la lumière de Vie (The Resurrected and the Light of Life/De uppståndna och livets ljus)

VIII. Institution de l’Eucharistie (The Institution of the Eucharist/Eukaristins instiftande)

IX. Les ténèbres (The Darkness/Mörkret)

X. La Résurrection du Christ (The Resurrection of Christ/Kristi uppståndelse)

XI. L’apparition de Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine (The Appearance of the Risen Christ to Mary Magdalene/Den uppståndne Kristus uppenbarar sig för Maria Magdalena)

XII. La Transsubstantiation (The Transubstantiation/Förvandlingen)

XIII. Les deux murailles d’eau (The Two Walls of Water/De två vattenmurarna)

XIV. Prière avant la communion (Prayer before Communion/Bön före kommunionen)

XV. La joie de la grâce (The Joy of Grace/Den glädje som nåden skänker)

XVI. Prière après la communion (Prayer after Communion/Bön efter kommunionen)

XVII. La Présence multipliée (The Presence multiplied/Den mångfaldiga Närvaron)

XVIII. Offrande et Alleluia final (Offering and Final Alleluia/Frambärande och avslutande Halleluja)

Hans–Ola Ericsson, organ


Livre du Saint Sacrement is a concert by Göteborg Symphony Orchestra and Göteborg International Organ Festival in collaboration with Göteborg Art Sounds. 

You find all venues and information about how to get there here.